How Can You Recognize The Signs Of Severe Tree Damage?

There are plenty of reasons to remove a tree from your property, ranging from aesthetic preference to local building codes. Safety may be the most important, however. Trees with severe diseases or injuries pose a threat to both health and property, and removing them is often the best strategy. Recognizing when damage to a tree is unrecoverable is a critical skill for any homeowner.

While the best way to determine when to remove a tree is to consult with an expert, there are plenty of signs you can look for on your own. Learning to spot these three symptoms can help you understand when to call in a professional to evaluate your tree.

1. Disease and Rot

Not all tree diseases are fatal, but many can weaken a tree and increase the likelihood of collapse. While this may not be a significant concern for trees located in the woods, diseased trees on your property can often become hazards. Disease symptoms in trees are as varied as in humans. Some common signs to look for include oozing liquids, unusual growths, blackened or brown leaves, and powdery mold.

If a disease has progressed far enough, then your tree may begin to rot. Fungus growth is often the most visible exterior symptom of tree rot. Keep an eye out for mushrooms or fungus growing anywhere on the outside of the tree, especially near cracks. Fungus growing very close to your tree near the base may be a sign that the roots are decaying beneath the ground.

2. Structural Issues

Structural issues in trees primarily take the form of a pronounced lean. Trees can naturally lean in one direction or pull to one side due to damage or environmental conditions, such as wind. When it comes to structural issues, it's crucial to pay attention to rapid changes. If a tree suddenly seems to be leaning to one side, that's often a dangerous situation requiring immediate removal.

On the other hand, a tree that's been leaning for most of its life may still be structurally sound. Although you should always call a professional if you have concerns, you can ask a few questions to determine its risk. Does the tree lean more than ten degrees in one direction? Is the direction of the lean towards a house or structure?

3. Clear Evidence of Damage

It's not uncommon for branches to break or for trees to suffer other minor forms of damage. Unfortunately, a tree that suffers an injury to its primary leader (the main trunk of the tree) may be unrecoverable. You should also look for signs of broken or badly damaged scaffold branches. If you spot any of these issues, have the tree evaluated to determine the best course of action.

For more information, reach out to a local tree removal company.
